With Thanksgiving just around the corner, we are feeling so grateful for all of you, our extended CASA family. We are thankful for the CASA staff, volunteers, board members, donors, supporters, and everyone else who has contributed to CASA. We wish we could fit all of you around our Thanksgiving tables this year! In the past year, you have helped us make a true difference in the lives of children in foster care. For more about Passaic County CASA's accomplishments during the 2017 Fiscal Year, please read our Annual Report here.
While everyone is gathered around the table on Thursday, celebrating Thanksgiving with family and friends, it's important to remember that some children are living away from home, missing their parents, siblings, and their family traditions. For Thanksgiving this year, hundreds of children in Passaic County will be celebrating the holiday in foster care.
Passaic County CASA provides children in foster care an advocate who offers stability, consistency, connection, and care while the child is part of the child welfare system. During the holidays, the CASA role is even more important; having a CASA means a youth has someone special and consistent to share the season with so they too can have happy holiday memories while they work towards reaching a safe and permanent home.
Donate to Passaic County CASA this Thanksgiving and help make a difference in the lives of children in foster care from Thanksgiving to Christmas, from their birthdays to high school graduation.
Wishing you and your loved ones a very Happy Thanksgiving.
Erica Fischer-Kaslander