Name: Jill Rebeor
Title: Advocacy Supervisor
CASA Employee Since: May 2018
1) What did you do before you worked at CASA?
I was a Child Protection Specialist with the Administration for Children’s Services in New York, which entailed receiving reports of alleged abuse and neglect and investigating them by visiting a child’s home and school.
2) Describe your job in five words.
A Little Bit of Everything.
3) Can you describe what a typical day looks like for you?
Talking with my volunteers, writing and editing court reports, going to court, and reading Optima contact logs.
4) What is the best part about working for CASA?
Every day is different. This job also provides greater control over my schedule compared to previous jobs I’ve had.
5) What is the craziest/most unusual thing you’ve done in the name of serving children in foster care?
I was 22 and just out of college, working as a Caseworker in Georgia. I had to take a child to a new foster home and she did not want to go, so she tried to run away and ran towards the street. I kicked off my heels and chased her barefoot through the mud .
6) When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I went through a brief phase where I wanted to be an astronaut.
7) What is your go-to comfort food?
Cheese and crackers, plus some white wine.
8) What personality trait has gotten you in the most trouble?
My sarcasm and lack of filter.
9) What celebrity have people said you resemble or remind them of?
Katy Perry!
10) If you were stranded on a deserted island, what three items would you bring?
My cell phone, some friends, and a fully chartered yacht.