CASA Stories

Meet the CASA Board: Seven Questions for Ann Sundius-Rose

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Name: Ann Sundius-Rose
Title: Vice President of Membership, CEO Connection

1)       How long have you been connected with Passaic County CASA and what attracted you to the organization?

I began as a CASA volunteer ten years ago in 2010. Then I moved onto the Board in April of 2018.  I have always had an affinity for children at risk. I come from a family of eleven and feel so lucky to have been raised in an amazing home. I could never imagine not having that stability. It is important for me to impart that on those who need it.

  2)       Being on a non-profit board of directors requires time and hard work.  What keeps you motivated to participate?

Every time our CASA Executive Director Erica Fischer-Kaslander tells us a story of a child in need or perhaps a child we helped, putting a face to the names and statistics, it makes any amount of time well worth it. I remember at our Annual Gala, we were all dressed up, celebrating the successes and raising money to keep them coming, when Erica told a story of a little girl named “Mia” who had just come into the system. That night she still needed a CASA. It takes work, but it certainly is not a chore to help any of the “Mia’s” out there.

 3)      When you are not working with CASA, how do you spend your time?

I work with an organization that helps mid-market CEOs – sort of like CASA – advocating for them - with connections and resources to more successfully run their businesses. I also love to travel anywhere and everywhere and, of course, spending time with my three girls.

4)       What is your most special memory from your time working with CASA? 

Most definitely, attending the adoption of my first CASA child. I was so fortunate to have met this amazing 12-year old boy who through the resources and advocacy of CASA found a home with a loving, fun, stable family.  When I met him, he was non-verbal, scared, anxious and sad. On his adoption day, he smiled so big, he made everyone instantly happy.  He and his family were honored at our Inaugural CASA Gala. He stole the show, grabbing the microphone from me during his introduction, telling jokes, making new friends, and dancing the night away. He was the DJ’s favorite guest for certain.

5)       If money were no object, how would you spend the rest of your life?

Travelling as much as possible. And giving that money away to organizations helping children especially, but also to innovation that solves social issues for our environment and our humanity.  And I wouldn’t mind an apartment near each of my children, as they are always on the move.

6)       If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Now who would make up that rule! I love to eat – almost anything! But if I HAD to choose, my mom’s lasagna.

7)       What is your all-time favorite movie?

Again – I am not good at choosing just one! But perhaps I would go with Annie – any version. Go figure – a story of a little girl who finds a home.