Dear Friends,
We have reached the end of 2020 in positive form because of you, our supporters, and your never-ending dedication to children in foster care. This past year, when everything began to shut down, you stood up.
Schools began virtual instruction, but there you were, purchasing laptops so our children in foster care from less fortunate school districts wouldn’t miss out on assignments and lectures. You were there for their future.
With the development of the Neighborhood Assistance Program in the spring, Passaic County CASA donors and supporters reached families with children who are at higher risk of complications from COVID-19, and provided them with food boxes, diapers, wipes, formula, etc. You were there for their health.
And our 135 volunteer advocates? Between virtual Child Study Team meetings, telephonic and Zoom court hearings, socially distanced child visits, virtual advocate training, and outdoor fellowship events, you were there focusing on children’s best interests.
I am overwhelmed with gratitude as I think about your support. Passaic County CASA is lifted up by the most driven, tenacious individuals and groups that exist. With your ongoing perseverance plus the perseverance of our children? We are unstoppable.
Stay safe, stay healthy,