CASA Stories

Passaic County CASA Board of Trustees Welcomes Nancy Barbary, Willowbrook Mall Senior General Manager


By Laura Warne
Communications Coordinator

Every day at the Willowbrook Mall is an adventure for Senior General Manager Nancy Barbary, but especially during a pandemic. Nancy  has been in the shopping center industry for over 40 years.  She’s enjoyed every experience and feels very fortunate to have worked in an industry for 40 years and still say that she loves to come to work every day. “It’s a unique industry. Every day is different and a new challenge.” Nonetheless, Nancy knew the time was right to take the next step in supporting children in foster care by joining Passaic County CASA’s Board of Trustees.      

Giving back has always been an essential part of both Nancy’s personal life and professional life. Despite working long hours throughout her career, she still made time to help with her church’s sponsored annual prom event, A Night to Shine, for children with developmental disabilities.   In fact, she looks forward to the event every year. “I head up the Decorating Committee,” she explained. “I always wanted to do more. My heart goes out to kids. That’s the cause I feel strongly about.”

Nancy learned about Passaic County CASA eleven years ago, following  the tragic death of a Willowbrook Mall employee’s daughter. The mall started partnering with a foundation formed in the child’s memory, the Jessica Gelok Foundation. They collaborated with the Foundation on an annual golf outing, and then a holiday giving tree each December in the center of the mall.  Nancy became acquainted with Passaic County CASA because the organization was one of the Foundation’s regular beneficiaries.           

After a visit to the CASA office, Barbary started to learn more about children in foster care and CASA’s impact. “The work CASA does is fabulous. I met (Advocacy Supervisor) Davetta Ford and was so impressed. I listened to the stories about the children. How could anyone not be touched?”

Passaic County CASA's Director of Development, Courtney Como, recalls meeting Nancy and seeing her in action: "It didn’t take long to understand the strength of her leadership.  As we walked through the mall together and she greeted each store clerk by name, she shared her vision for how and where to incorporate CASA’s mission in various ways throughout the mall.  I immediately understood her commitment and dedication to CASA and how fortunate we are to have her on our team.”

As a Board Member, Barbary is excited to continue and grow the partnership between Passaic County CASA and Willowbrook Mall. A few weeks ago, she began organizing a food donation drive for CASA at the mall, and hopes to organize additional events in the future.  “I just want to do more,” she explained. “I open my refrigerator and it is full and your heart breaks because you know there are people who don’t have that.”