CASA Stories

Meet the CASA Board: Seven Questions for Jonathan Aber

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Name: Jonathan E. Aber
Title: Senior Risk & Marketing Executive,
Scirocco Group, Inc. 

1)       How long have you been connected with Passaic County CASA and what attracted you to the organization?

I’m not exactly sure, but I’m guessing nine or ten years. How I got involved is a long story. A group of my friends established The DFM Foundation in honor of a dear friend who passed away in 2002. He was a beloved fixture in Wayne Township who spent much of his time donating, coaching and supporting various youth activities. The foundation we established in his honor was to benefit children’s needs, whether they were educational, safety, sports, medical, etc. The foundation was always looking for new causes to support, so when I read an interview with Erica [Fischer-Kaslander] in the local Wayne Today newspaper about Passaic County CASA, I called her to learn more about it. After a lengthy conversation, The DFM Foundation and Erica developed the DFM Annual Birthday Fund to purchase birthday presents for kids in foster care. A year or so later, Erica asked me to join their Board of Directors.

  2)       Being on a non-profit board of directors requires time and hard work.  What keeps you motivated to participate?

The kids. It’s all about the kids and keeping them safe, healthy, and happy.

 3)      When you are not working with CASA, how do you spend your time?

Working hard at building my insurance business, so I can enjoy more time on the golf course with my family and friends.

4)       What is your most special memory from your time working with CASA? 

There are a couple of particularly memorable moments I’ve experienced while working with CASA. The first was when I was on the Board of The DFM Foundation, and we would receive an annual list of the children who had been served by the DFM Birthday Fund. The report would include each child’s first name, age, short description of the child's story in foster care, and what each child had asked for. After reading a few of the kid’s stories aloud, all nine Board members were bawling our eyes out knowing what a great cause we were supporting.

The other memorable experiences were the two CASA galas for which I was the Chairperson. They were very successful events from both an attendance and donation standpoint, and that made me feel even prouder to be part of this organization. If not for the pandemic causing us to cancel, I’m positive this year’s Gala would’ve been even more successful!

5)       If money were no object, how would you spend the rest of your life?

I would continue to work, as I was raised with a strong work ethic. By work, I mean not just at a job, but also to raise and donate personal moneys to many non-profit organizations such as CASA, animal rescues, MS Society, and others.

6)       If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Probably pizza, because every time I say I’m having only one slice, I eat 3!

7)       What is your all-time favorite movie?

I’m not one to watch a movie more than once except for Animal House, Caddy ShackYoung Frankenstein, and Remember the Titans. Whenever I come across them while channel surfing, those are the movies that make me stop and watch.