Name: Marian Golan
Title: Advocacy Supervisor
CASA Employee Since: November 2020
1) What did you do before you worked at CASA?
I worked for 22 years as a school psychologist at a public school in Passaic County.
2) Describe your job in five words.
Exciting. Fast-paced. Challenging. People-oriented. Just-right-for-me (Is that cheating?)
3) Can you describe what a typical day looks like for you?
Review the day’s calendar; I am petrified I will miss a court hearing. Respond to emails. Attend staff meetings. Talk with CASAs by phone (and hope for some in-person meetings)! Edit court reports. Keep on top of due dates and alert CASAs ahead of time. Converse with colleagues.
4) What is the best part about working for CASA?
Working with CASA volunteers, as we learn together. I love getting to know new people.
5) What is the craziest/most unusual thing you’ve done in the name of serving children in foster care?
Coming out of the retirement I'd just started. But there will be more to report later, I know it.
6) When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A teacher. I loved school from the day I entered kindergarten.
7) What is your go-to comfort food?
Grilled cheese.
8) What personality trait has gotten you in the most trouble?
My chattiness.
9) What celebrity have people said you resemble or remind them of?
Carole King. We both have lots of curls and we both love to sing.
10) If you were stranded on a deserted island, what three items would you bring?
Books. Music to listen to. A piano.