At the beginning of this month, I had the unexpected opportunity to spend a day with a former CASA child, T, and his mother. This family has been permanently together since the case closed 8 years ago. We do not always get a window into a child's life long after an adoption is finalized or they return home and the court closes a case. It was a special treat to see the love this mother holds for her son and how much he loves her back. Despite being an older teenager now, this young man is clearly Mom's buddy.
The benefit of serving in my role here at CASA for over almost 13 years is that I have gotten to know the history of these children and families over a long time period. I remember when T entered foster care as a little boy about 6 years old and barely talked. To see him now taller than me and talking about working as a summer camp counselor was overwhelming. He has grown so much and really thrived in the years since his adoption.
At the end of this day, I reflected on T's story and couldn't help but think about how striking it is that the most important things for a child are stability, structure, and love.
Every family looks different but these things are the same. T doesn't physically resemble his Mom, or carry her genes, but that doesn't minimize the love in their relationship. I was honored to know that CASA had a part of ensuring this young man had found the stability and structure he needed. Looking back, there was no way to predict the end of the story when he entered foster care. I never would have imagined how well T is doing today.
For T and his mom, I can tell you that they will have a wonderful Thanksgiving in their home once again this year.
Whether you are a CASA donor, volunteer, ambassador, board member, or supporter, you helped make a lifelong difference for T as well as the 270 children who have had a volunteer advocate to call on for help this year. Your generosity is truly the heart of all we do.
Your support makes it possible for children like T to find the stability, structure, and love they need to be successful in life.
From all of us here at Passaic County CASA for Children, thanks again for all you do.
Wishing you, and your loved ones near and far, a very Happy Thanksgiving,
Erica Fischer-Kaslander
Executive Director